Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life Goes On

So begins a new chapter in our lives. A chapter we knew one day would come, but hoped the last chapter would have lasted a little longer. This is the chapter where we go on without our Mom our Grandma and our Great-Grandma. It's hard to imagine that the person who started this journey with all of us isn't going to be there to finish it. This lady was not just a mom or grandma....she was our teacher, our nurse, our friend and our safe place to fall. And fall we did!

When I was standing next to her that night in the hospital, I told her "We'll be good, we'll stick together and we'll be okay" everything she taught us. She taught us to be kind to one another, to help each other and even if someone does something we don't agree with, we are family and we aren't gonna turn our back on anyone.

Look what we've become. We are a family that most people don't understand. They envy us. We can spend a week(or two) camping and not fight. When someone needs us, we're there. I was 45 years old before I went on a vacation without her. She was a constant presence in my life. She was there when a lot of her grandchildren were born....watching as they took their first breath. I'm so glad that she got to know you all.

Megan and Heather....your talks meant the world to her. She loved staying up late to talk with you. And the fact that your friends liked hanging out with your grandma...that's pretty cool. Oh Heather....Grandma knew what you've been thinking and I know there's nothing we can say to change your mind....but honey, I really wish you wouldn't think that way. Your Grandma loved you more than you know. Please don't carry that.

We all need to go on with our lives. I feel bad that this blog has been vacant for so long.....but I know we've been busy. Mom would be very proud of us....the way we've come together to get things done for her. And the way we're gonna get together to get things done for Tom. It's what we do. It's how she taught us to stick together.

So as our new chapter begins.....stay in touch!

Love you all.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I think of her all day everyday. It does not matter what is going on. I know that I have not been as close as I would like to have been in the past few years. But life keeps going, keeps moving. And we get caught up in that. You don't have any idea what I would do for one last hug, kiss, smile, laugh or just a glance. I made myself become so far away, physically and mentally. I wish I could change that but it is what it is and I did what I needed to do. I really hope she understood that. However, if I wouldn't have left she wouldn't have gotten sick. No matter what anyone says, I will hold that over me until the day I die..
She has done so much for so many people. She taught me almost everything I know. My mom was busy. Way busier then I ever gave her credit for, mostly because I didn't know. And for that I am also sorry. I really wish that everyone could understand what my G has done for me and how much she has influenced me. There is not a day, let a lone a moment in every day that I do not think of her or what she would say or do.
I do want people to know that I am happy. I love my life, my friends and my everything and I would not feel this way unless she was a part of it. She has made me realize how wonderful life is and to make the best of it. You can not take anything for granted because every little thing happens for a reason and every little thing is going to be alright.
I love music and I love words. And people have sung and said some amazing, powerful things. I don't take anything for granted and I try to appreciate everything and everyone that ever crosses my path. And I hope you do too. Life is way too short and you never realize until you loose something or someone. I really hope that everyone that I surround myself with realizes that I will do anything for them and that I love and care for them..
I hate that this blog has lost its followers, so please keep it going. We will some day realize how important it is. This might be our only way of keeping in touch, which is sad but reality.
We have an amazing family. Don't let everyone else down. Keep it going.
I love ya'll always and forever. No matter how far away I am..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Globe-ing

It saddens me that this little nook of the web has sat idle for almost 6 months. What is on your minds and hearts, dear family members??

I am sitting, watching the snow blow fiercely outside of my wind; cyclones of powder whipping the trees in every direction. I am hoping that one does not come through the window, disturbing a very comfortable Mr. George from his sleep. So happy I am to be here with George, as being alone during such a storm would be a tragic waste. I feel like a little kid again, praying that tomorrow be a "snow day"... Oh, how I wish!!!

I hope you are all warm and snuggled on this night, my loves. All the love to you from my little snow globe to yours.
