Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Globe-ing

It saddens me that this little nook of the web has sat idle for almost 6 months. What is on your minds and hearts, dear family members??

I am sitting, watching the snow blow fiercely outside of my wind; cyclones of powder whipping the trees in every direction. I am hoping that one does not come through the window, disturbing a very comfortable Mr. George from his sleep. So happy I am to be here with George, as being alone during such a storm would be a tragic waste. I feel like a little kid again, praying that tomorrow be a "snow day"... Oh, how I wish!!!

I hope you are all warm and snuggled on this night, my loves. All the love to you from my little snow globe to yours.


1 comment:

  1. You are tremendous!!
    Thank you for trying to keep the peeps togetha'!
    I will be posting soon, as should everyone else. If there is time for facebook there is time for...
